1. New Electricity Connection

  1. Wiring of house – EPC *licensed electrician installs all wiring to the building. 
  2. Permit application - licensed electrician applies for a new connection permit, on your behalf. You need to accompany the electrician when visiting our Office for permit application, to fill and sign the new connection form as consent for work to start (bring an identification card). 
  3. Payment – You pay process fee of $50 for single phase and $100 for three-phase, to the Cashiers on Level 1, TATTE Building. 
  4. First inspection (survey) - EPC carries out survey to determine costing and materials required for your request. 
  5. Payment – You pay connection fee when ready after pre inspection. 
  6. Final inspection – EPC carries out final inspection of wiring to ensure it is safe, functional and complies with relevant electrical regulations. 
  7. Connection - EPC installs electrical meter and connects your electricity supply. 
Requirements Costs/Fees
i. ID Card
ii. Sign Application Form
Process Fee - $50 single phase, $100 three phase
Connection Fee - only be determined after pre-inspection survey
Note: Wiring & permit costs are paid directly to clectiricans. Process and connection fees are paid to our Cashiers on Level 1, TATTE Building SOGI. If you do not pay within 6 months of your application, permit will be renewed at your own costs

2. New Electricity Connection requiring line extension

  1. Wiring of house – EPC *licensed electrician installs all wiring to the building. 
  2. Permit application - licensed electrician applies for a new connection permit, on your behalf. You need to accompany the electrician when visiting our Office for permit application, to fill and sign the new connection form as consent for work to start (bring an identification card). 
  3. Payment – You pay process fee of $50 for single phase and $100 for three-phase, to the Cashiers on Level 1, TATTE Building. 
  4. First inspection (survey) - EPC carries out survey to determine costing and materials required for your request. 
  5. Payment – You pay connection fee once request is approved. 
  6. Final inspection – EPC carries out final inspection of wiring to ensure it is safe, functional and complies with relevant electrical regulations. 
  7. Connection - EPC installs electrical meter and connects your electricity supply. 
Requirements Costs/Fees
i. ID Card
ii. Sign Application Form
Process Fee - $50 single phase, $100 three phase
Connection Fee - only be determined after pre-inspection survey

Note: Wiring & permit costs are paid directly to clectiricans. Process and connection fees are paid to our Cashiers on Level 1, TATTE Building SOGI. If you do not pay within 6 months of your application, permit will be renewed at your own costs


a. Post Paid Electricity Customers

1. Meter Reading

  • Meter Reading – End of every month, our meter readers will do the meter reading OR you can submit to us your reading on email or telephone.
  • Invoice – Invoices will be disseminated at beginning of new month.
  • Payment – Invoices are due on the 20th of the month

2. Bill Payment

  • Verification - Cashier checks on system for amount of invoice. 
  • Payment – you pay the full amount of invoice. 
  • Receipt – check your receipt before you leave the office. 

3. Disconnection & Reconnection

  • Disconnection – Commences on the 21st of the month for overdue accounts. 
  • Confirmation – of no patient on a life supporting machine or system inside the house before disconnection. 
  • Advise – occupants of the building to switch off electrical appliances to prevent possible damage to appliances prior to disconnection. 
  • Payment – pay reconnection fee and your overdue invoice. 
  • Reconnection – electricity supply will be reconnected, once payment is made, only when an occupant of the premises is present, as a safety precaution and to confirm the power is active again. 
Requirements Costs/Fees
Payment for reconnection and overdue invoices Reconnection Fee - $200

4. Tariff Rates

Tariff Rates
July 2023
The tariff rate, effective in November 2021 spanned across the entirety of 2021 and 2022, until July 2023, when the new tariff rate adjustment was introduced and became effective 9th July 2023
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021

5. Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 4:30pm SOGI & VAITELE
9am - 4:00pm SALELOLOGA
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 4:30pm SOGI & VAITELE
9am - 4:00pm SALELOLOGA
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Vending Outlets - Geographical Locations on Google Map